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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Blog Awards!

Thank you Maggie for my first blog award! Maggie has a great blog you should check out.

The Rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post

2. Nominate 10 blogs that show gratitude or great attitude or both

3. Be sure to link your nominees within your post

4. Let them know they have received this award by commenting on their blog

5. Share the love and link this post to the person whom you received your award from

And the awards go to.....

  1. Gretchen- A very funny and sometime poignant blog by a mom of 3.

  2. Ashley- Not always G-rated but always funny.

  3. Baby Mama Drama- The struggles of a newly single mom.

  4. Jen- The ramblings of a SAHM with 2 girls.

  5. Krista- A heartbreaking blog about trying to conceive.

  6. Christine- Another tear inducing blog that follows a pregnancy and subsequent stillbirth.

  7. Rebekah- One of my real life friends. Her blog always inspires me to be thankful.

  8. Jamie- An awesome blog full of wisdom and craftyness.

  9. Holly- Full of silliness from a full-time working mom.
10. My Life on a Diet- A humorous look at a woman trying to lose weight.

So people these are my top 10 recommended reads. I am subscribed to over a hundred blog and these are the ones I read the most.


Baby Mama said...

*tears* I feel so honored. Should I say an acceptance speach or something? Thank you Thank you! To my parents for creating me, to the asshole who gave me a reason to blog in the first place, and to my beautiful Julian who makes it all worth it :)!

Unknown said...

Julian certainly is a handsome little man. You are going to have your hands full in 15 years or so!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, that is so nice. I feel really special! :-)

Baby Mama said...

Thank you! He is definitely a handful already and I have no idea what I'm going to do with him in 15 years!!

Olive Lucy said...

oh thank you so very much i am very touch. i will pass along the award for sure.

Krista said...

Thanks so much for the award. It means alot to me that you follow my crazy life.Someday I hope it won't be so heart breaking.:)